
Thursday 12 December 2013

Patchwork of stones

I know this is a quilting blog and I know this post is not about quilting. More than anything, I am aware that I was supposed to post a tutorial long time ago on how to make the Christmas tree block in my previous post. However, I just wanted to show you all what's been keeping me busy and stealing the time that I should have been sewing.

The Wall

We moved into our own house almost four and a half months ago. Since then, our front yard has been waiting for some attention from us. Being so good at procrastinating, we finally moved our bums only 20 days before the deadline to finish this big job: building a 12 metre long stone wall and completing the whole landscaping of the front yard. The deadline is by the ACT Government and we have only a week left! Thank God, the wall is almost finished and the rest shouldn't take long-wishful thinking...

I can't tell you how much physical effort this wall demanded.

Putting the stones together, making them fit and match and making precise calculations are very much like designing and making a quilt. I must say that I enjoyed the whole process a lot even though it has been so bloody tiring. I am also very happy and proud that hubby and I are pretty handy people :-)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful wall, well done you two. Now I can show you the secret Stone Cutters hand shake xx


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