
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Finished baby bow ties quilt top

After a post full of vent, it is time to share a couple of photos of my gorgeous baby bow ties quilt top!
and you need a tall husband to hold the quilt from behind the fence :-)

I had doubts about using such a light colour as background but I am absolutely in love with the outcome!
I might try making a scrappy, improvised back for this quilt and just do straight stitch quilting along the lines and around the triangles. What do you think?


  1. Hurrah for tall husbands! :) I have one, too, though I haven't put him to this particular use...yet! I'm expecting in August and I've made a little crib quilt for each of my other girls... but I'm so drawn to making something with triangles on a simple background right now. Seeing how yours turned out, I'm really inspired! I think I'll start searching my stash to see what turns up. Maybe a light grey background?

    1. Gem Wit, I just realised that I replied to your comment separately-below, not by clicking the reply button.

  2. @Gem Wit, thank you for your comment. And I am so glad to hear that I inspired you to give this bow tie pattern a go. It is so so simple to make this quilt. I think lots of bright colours on a light grey background would be just so gorgeous, simple yet effective. I am looking forward to hearing back from you and see the photos of your quilt. And good luck with your baby! :) xxx Nurdan

  3. I love your quilt! I have been meaning to make this one, but haven't gotten to it yet!

    1. Hi Christine! Thanks very much! You should definitely make this, such a lovely pattern. Oh, and I like the potholder ;)


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