
Monday 31 March 2014

Canberra Modern Quilt Guild meeting

After a very busy weekend, I now have time to sit down and write about the meeting of the local quilt guild I joined a couple of months ago- Canberra Modern Quilt Guild.
I joined them just on time to be a part of the secret name tag swap. You might remember from my last post that I was making a name tag for my secret partner and waiting for the meeting to post some photos here. Here is what I made for my partner Amira.

And here are "some" of the name tags! Aren't they so cute?
I have received two: the first one is on the bottom left, under the red sewing machine. The second one is just above the other sewing machine on the bottom right corner. Mine stands out with its huge size- only 11cm while it was supposed to be just 9 :-)

I also won this yummy, hand-dyed jelly roll in a raffle on that night. 

I am so glad that I found these women because they are so much fun and full of creativity. I find it a great way to socialise with other people who share the same passion and a great place to get inspired during the "show and tell" session. I also enjoy having some time only for "myself". 
I highly suggest you to join a group like this no matter what your hobby is. I am sure you will enjoy meeting with new people and getting inspired as much as I do!

Happy sewing!


  1. I am so glad that you had fun, Nurdan. I agree that being part of a hobby group is a great idea. I am also attending the meetings of a local photographers' community, and learn a lot from others with the same interest. And it's always a great idea to network with other local people..

  2. The name tags are so cute. I love the one you made, and received! Glad you found a group that you enjoy :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Christine! It is great to be with people who share the same love and passion with you.


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