
Monday 14 July 2014

Life is too short to worry about everything...

My brother-in-law was diagnosed with a tumor in his brain two months ago. He went into an emergency surgery; quickly it was understood that he had a brain cancer. We were all told that there wasn't much hope; the cancer was the most aggressive and fastest growing kind. We just prayed and hoped that everything was going to be fine, that he was going to pull out of this and gain his health back. Unfortunately, life had other things planned for him; we lost him two days ago...
He passed away in his home peacefully with all his loved ones around him, holding his hand...He was only 60...

But the life goes on; it's funny how the next day things are going back to semi-normal and the following day, to normal. You think about what to cook for dinner, what to wear to the shops. I even practiced free motion quilting to distract my constantly questioning mind...

I feel very confused. All this stress, rush and worries in our lives...Nothing is more important than health, being with the people you love and live your life without regrets. I don't know; this is how I am feeling right now...
And I am sorry if my post brought out some sad memories and made you feel upset. I just wanted to write and share; maybe to feel a little better...

Till next time,


  1. So sorry for your loss. I agree, without our health and loved ones, life is rough...

  2. So sorry for you. My dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few days ago and it is strange trying to come to terms with it, especially as you have to carry on living a normal life as possible too. Sending hugs. x

  3. So sorry for your loss. My mother-in-law went through something stunningly similar with her older brother last summer. 3 months from diagnoses of advanced brain cancer was all we got with him. So, so sorry for your loss. *hugs*

  4. Sorry for your loss. It is very sad and hard for those of us left behind. We have to keep going on. You're right, the day to day mundane things like what to cook for dinner, going to work, going through the motions are what help us get through paralysing grief. I hope his family are doing okay.


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