
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Stepping out of my comfort zone

I finally dread quilting (thinking about quilting) my New Wave quilt!!!!
I basted it yesterday afternoon. My plan was to buy a darker colour backing; maybe a purple or green like in the quilt and piece it together with the left over fabrics from the quilt. Unfortunately, I am so broke these days so I used the last piece of the Ikea numbers.
I asked a fellow quilter from my local MQG whose work I love a lot:
- How do you think I should quilt this quilt? Maybe straight lines on the area in between the white sashing and something fancy (you guys know what I mean by fancy LOL) on the purple and yellow bits?
She gave me the answer I needed(!):
- I would quilt the daylights outta that baby!
And sent me the link to Christa Wither's blog (which has a similar quilt, same pattern with different colours, which was quilted so beautifully with various FMQ patterns. If you haven't already visited the link, please do so!)
I totally freaked out(Again, visit the link, you will understand what I am saying!)
I have waited for so long to start quilting this quilt just because I am so scared of ruining it. I love it like this. Do I have to quilt it? Yes, I have done free motion quilting before; meander and pointy meander. That's it. I said to my friend "Are you gonna kill me?"

Well, after some thinking, I decided to go for it. It will definitely make me step out of my comfort zone but I will do it. Now, I am auditioning some of the designs on Christa's blog on a piece of paper. Hopefully, I will start quilting it at the end of this week. Wish me good luck!!

What is the one thing in quilting that made you step out of your comfort zone? Would love to hear your stories.

Thank you for dropping by,

(Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday)


  1. visiting from freshly pieced. Love love this quilt. What stunning layout

  2. WOW that amount and type of quilting would be so far out of my comfort zone, it would be in an entirely different galaxy - very intimidating! I tend to do organic (very organic, haha) matchstick or SITD quiting they're easy :D I remember some very angular starry type designs on purple - you did that VERY recently - you can do this!! Get in some practice, take a deep breath and give it a try!

  3. I can't wait to see your finish, good luck! I have been telling myself a lot lately that I've gotta try new things to progress in quilting! Even if it's not perfect it will be a success!

  4. Oh Nurdan, you can do it! I am excited that you are going to give it a try, and I look forward to seeing how it works for you. Have fun!!

  5. I totally identify with that feeling of fear to start FMQ on a piece I love! Good luck with this lovely, and thanks for the link--it will be years before I try anything that complex.

  6. Love this quilt. This pattern has been on my list for ages. I agree that the quilting part is scary. That is always where I get tripped up. I usually whimp out and stick with old faithful stitch-in-the-ditch with my quilts. I am trying to be more adventurous with my quilting though. I can't wait to see what you settle on for this.

  7. I totally understand what you are saying!!! I am also scared when it comes to a top I reaaaally love!!! But have faith in yourself!

  8. I had a look at that link and WOW to the quilting, certainly something to aspire to. For me even to be able to do a small place mat with quilting like that would be a challenge but a good one

  9. Looks gorrrrrgeous!!! Haha glad to see you're going to take a bit of a leap with this one! It'll be beautiful :)

  10. I had that same oh oh what am I doing feeling when I quilted my blue boxes but in the end once you get going it's not that bad! Plus it will be a really unique and lovely thing when you are done!

  11. Good luck! What quilting did you decide on?


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