
Thursday 2 October 2014

The lovely Dubbo holiday

(I warn you that this is a long post LOL)
Last Saturday, we went to Dubbo for a short holiday since it was a long weekend here in the ACT. We packed our bags, loaded our bikes to the car and off we went.
The main reason why we chose Dubbo as our holiday destination is because Dubbo is the home for Taronga Western Plains Zoo which we wanted to take our son to.
It is five hours from Canberra. At first, this scared me; but once we left Canberra and made our way into the country side, the whole trip felt like a couple of hours.

I must say that I love the Australian country side. The rugged hills, beautiful trees, vast green lands, lots of animals, blue skies...Before I came to Australia, the sky never felt this big...
I fell in love with these beautiful yellow fields. We reckon they are oil seed flowers. I took lots of photos of this scene which continued on and off for kilometres on either side of the road.
                                                         Isn't it just beautiful?
We arrived in Dubbo around 1pm. After hanging around in the town a little, we went to visit the Old Dubbo Gaol which began as a courthouse lock up in 1847 and became a gaol in 1859.  If you are interested in history and want to find out more about the Old Dubbo Gail, visit here. There are some interesting stories there.
      Kuzey is trying to figure out what that stiff guy is doing. LOL (Cutting a huge piece of log.)
Cat-o-nine-tails. A punishment whip.

These dummies look like zombies!
If you live close by or don't mind travelling a little, I recommend you visit it. It will be an interesting experience. 
Then we let the little beast free!

And the next day, we headed off to the zoo early in the morning.
I have never been good at cycling, hence my hubby is riding Kuzey. Having said that, I am proud of myself because I could finish the day without falling off the bike, not-even-once! LOL 
Taronga Zoo is designed in such a way that all the animals live in their natural environment. They are not restricted by a metal hash all around them or a cage. (I am totally against the animals being kept in such cages under poor conditions.) For this reason, the zoo is covering quite a large area. We cycled around it for five or six hours; stopped on and off to have a look at the animals and take photos. 

There are so many beautiful photos; I struggled to choose among them!
 He was so happy to ride the rhino. Look at his face :-)
The whole zoo experience was so much fun. I was the photographer for this trip so I don't have any photos of me. We finished the day with a yummy lunch. While we were waiting for daddy to bring some food, I finally managed to capture some lovely moments with my son :-)
When did you have a holiday last and where did you go?

Hope you all had a lovely week!


  1. That looks like a lovely time, Nurdan! I just got back from a short visit to see my niece for her first birthday. Lots of fun. :)

  2. Beautiful pictures - your son is a doll ... and a very HAPPY doll at that!

  3. Gorgeous photos of you with your son! Looks like a fun holiday. I've never been to the Dubbo zoo but have heard lots of good things about it.


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