
Monday 24 August 2015

Monday Makers!#51 and a little brag

G'day all!
Hope you had a great week and I wish you a lovely Monday too- away from the notorious Mondayitis!

As some of you might know, I am a member of the do.Good Stitches Cherish Bee organised by Rachel at Stitched in Color. Our bee members make fantastic quilts; it is amazing to see how everybody comes up with their own combinations and  how they come together so perfectly. From time to time, Rachel visits all the other do.Good Stitches bees and highlights one on her blog. This month, she highlighted my bee and it caught me by surprise.
I regularly visit her blog and it was a nice surprise to see my block highlighted and getting a nice compliment.
"Such beautiful, crisp points!" 
And look at the gorgeous quilt that KathrynJonesQuilts made! 
I am very proud of my bee members!

Now to Monday Makers!
1.Your project can be anything you start on that Monday as long as it makes you move and be active and creative: a new quilt, a knitting project, scrap booking, cross-stitching, baking-we don't mind yummy recipes!, a gardening project, painting your house!, tidying up the pantry!...This is your Monday and you are the maker of the day!
2. Grab the button from the side bar or put a link back to me in your Monday post.
3. Click on "add your link" and just fill in the required areas. 
4. Please link to your specific post, not to your homepage: We would like to find your post easily.
5. To link an Instagram photo, click the Instagram icon at the bottom of the link-up screen and use the URL of your IG feed as the link (for example, my URL is Please hashtag #MondayMakers!
6. Please take time to visit other links and leave a sweet comment: We love comments!
7. Share the photos of your finished Monday projects in your next link up- I am hoping you will come back again!: Who doesn't love a sweet, finished project or a "before-after" photo?


  1. It is very cool you got to see your block featured, and getting photos of the final quilt is always so satisfying, too. :)

  2. Your block is gorgeous and I love how it was used in that quilt! Really like that design.

  3. Your block is so beautiful and the quilt is stunning! Great job. Somebody is going to be very lucky to have it!

  4. I think it's nice to have a safe place to toot our horn once in a while. It's a well-deserved toot for you, too! Lovely block, and gorgeous quilt. You're lucky to be a part of such a group.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a sweet comment! I respond to comments by email. I hope to see you again!