
Tuesday 20 October 2015

So ready!

This, my friends, is how I am feeling currently...
Photo: courtesy of a Facebook share :)
It was my official due date yesterday. As you can tell, I am still waiting; and I knew that my baby would never want to be in the 5% group who came right on their due dates! I feel big-veery BIG- and tired. Having said that, for the last couple of days, I have a boost of energy; I finished my son's quilt and started an improv project with my scraps which I will share once I make a little progress. But I have to warn you: it might be the beginning of a new "almost never-ending" project like my son's quilt. God, I am so glad I finished it!!
Squaring up the quilt was the biggest challenge. I wore knee pads which I used while putting the timber floor when we moved into this house- and yes I did all four rooms by myself. Maybe my knees didn't hurt but I literally rolled on the floor like a whale on the shore trying to go back to the sea!
Here it is.
 I haven't washed it yet; it is 58.5"x77.5". This is the biggest quilt I have ever made.
I first complained about the colour of the thread choice but once I finished it, I really like its subtle look. It doesn't dominate the quilt and lets the colours in the fabrics shine. I am also very happy with the quilt pattern I chose; straight stitching on the stripy area and logs on the negative space worked very well together. The texture is amazing.
I am so in love with this scrappy binding and glad that I finished all the fat quarters I had to make this quilt!
Once I finished it, I called my son and said "look Kuzey! Mummy finished your quilt!" This was his reaction and I am glad I still had my camera to capture that special moment...
"Look monkey! Mummy finished our quilt!" he said to his talking monkey. Love him to bits!

Hope to give you my baby news in the following days.
Till next time, keep quilting. 
