
Sunday 18 May 2014

And the winner is.....

Hi all!

I was going to announce the winner as an update to the original give away post but thought that page looks too busy already. I combined the Facebook comments and the comments to the blog post here, from the oldest to the newest; put the names in to an Excel sheet and the random number generator selected the winner!
Here is a bad photo of the list.

The winner is...****drum rolls**** Number 18- KAY!!! Congratulations Kay!!!
I sent you an email. Please send me your mailing address ASAP so that I can post your gift!

Thank you all one more time for participating in the give away. I hope you will come back to my blog again and leave a sweet comment to my posts. Thank you very much!


Thank you for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a sweet comment! I respond to comments by email. I hope to see you again!