
Thursday 29 May 2014

Baby bow ties finished!

I finished this quilt last week and took some very nice photos a few days ago. I now have some spare time to write a post about it, sshhhh....I am in the office!

Let me tell you a little bit about what this quilt went through :) I finished the quilt top a while ago. Just when I was ready to quilt it, my walking foot fell apart. Having been so committed to finishing it, I tried my satin stitch foot. As you can imagine, it didn't work. It pulled the backing, created pockets...In a moment of frustration, I put the whole thing away and didn't touch it until last week.
See how horrible it looks?
Then I took it out of the wardrobe; undid all the stitches, re-sandwiched it and finished it quickly. I did straight line quilting and also framed the bow ties in the same way. I used the side of my walking foot as a guide; so I didn't have to mark how far the quilting lines would be from the seams. It is much easier like this.
Here are some photos.
I tried a different binding method this time. It was a little challenging but I am very happy with how it turned out. You can find the tutorial at Red Pepper Quilts.
And this is how it looks after it is washed. So comfy and cozy :-)
I love the light blue and purple strips on the binding. I think they add character to the whole quilt.
The quilting around the bow ties make them stand out.
What frustrates you when quilting? Machine binding, not matchy-matchy points, or basting your quilt? Don't forget to leave a sweet comment :-)
Linking up with Pretty Bobbins!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very pretty quilt! Binding and points get me down sometimes.

  2. It is so beautiful! Puckers when I'm quilting get me down, whether they're in the front or the back. Thanks for the link to the binding tutorial.

  3. Oh, your quilt is so beautiful! I tackled machine binding with my last finish, and it worked out OK, but I'm already frustrated with how exact I'm going to have to be in the future to make it look better. Hee hee. And basting...can't get everything as tight as I'd like it, but it works out fine.

    1. Thanks Cara! I struggle when basting too. Have you tried spray and pin basting together? It might give better results.

  4. Well, it turned out great in the end! Every time I see a similar quilt I want to make it! I love the extra color in your binding. My biggest frustration would have to be points not being perfect, on my own projects. I wish I wasn't so harsh on myself, I am never so critical of anyone else's!

    1. I am pretty harsh on myself too! Are we perfectionists Lori? ;-)

  5. Love the quilt. Since I haven't built up my courage to machine quilt YET...binding is something that isn't on my fun list.

    1. Thank Micki! Maybe you can make a small mug rug and give machine binding a try?

  6. I love your quilt! I have some scraps I want to use to make up this pattern with. I hate the process of basting :)

    1. Thank you Christine! Basting is not a very pleasant process for me either :)


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