
Saturday 19 July 2014

Sewing keeps me sane

I have been sewing late at nights for the last few days. I noticed it has helped me a lot with coping with the loss of my brother-in-law.
I finished two small projects a couple of days ago. I waited for a sunny day to take photos and today is the perfect day.
This is the July block for do.Good stitches Cherish circle. It is my turn this month so I chose this block made with an improv technique. You can find the tutorial here. The only thing I didn't follow in this tutorial is that I didn't use a foundation square. I have to say that I am in love with this block and am looking forward to receiving the blocks that other bee members make.
I realised that with each project I make with this technique, I am drawn to it more and more and my love for modern quilts grows. I also feel like I am now more certain about what I like and what I want to make.
I also finished the tote bag. It is fully lined. You can have a look how I quilted the panels here. It can stand by itself since I used utility fabric as the backing fabric when quilting. I made it quite big; I always carry lots of crap in my hand bag and this tote has lots of space to put more crap in. I quite like the green band I added and I adore the button! Looking forward to using it!
Bag stats:
Fabric: Michale Miller- Tweet birdie tweet
Width:12" bottom and 17" top
Hight: 14"
Depth: 4 "
Handles: 27"

Also...please check out these blogs in the New Quilt Blogger Blog Hop and see what quilty tips they have for you!
                                                                             Serena @ Sew Giving
Jenny @ Jack's Room
Elli @ Lovelli Quilts
Sally @ Wonky Patchwork

What projects did you manage to finish last week? Big or small, a quilt or a pin cushion?
Till next time,
Keep sewing!

Monday 14 July 2014

Life is too short to worry about everything...

My brother-in-law was diagnosed with a tumor in his brain two months ago. He went into an emergency surgery; quickly it was understood that he had a brain cancer. We were all told that there wasn't much hope; the cancer was the most aggressive and fastest growing kind. We just prayed and hoped that everything was going to be fine, that he was going to pull out of this and gain his health back. Unfortunately, life had other things planned for him; we lost him two days ago...
He passed away in his home peacefully with all his loved ones around him, holding his hand...He was only 60...

But the life goes on; it's funny how the next day things are going back to semi-normal and the following day, to normal. You think about what to cook for dinner, what to wear to the shops. I even practiced free motion quilting to distract my constantly questioning mind...

I feel very confused. All this stress, rush and worries in our lives...Nothing is more important than health, being with the people you love and live your life without regrets. I don't know; this is how I am feeling right now...
And I am sorry if my post brought out some sad memories and made you feel upset. I just wanted to write and share; maybe to feel a little better...

Till next time,

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Bits and pieces

My last post was about the naughty triangles quilts. The points weren't matching and I was so put off finishing it. I was given a few good suggestions to overcome the not matching points. What have I done? Nothing! I sewed a few lines, did my best to tackle the problem. The bloody thing is still up on my design wall and looks like it will be a permanent display item there. I hate this side of me but I just can't help it. When I get disheartened, especially when something doesn't go as I planned it, I tend to leave it alone for a while. I think and think and when I am ready to deal with it again, I go for it. I think I still need some more time to go back to this quilt. I am a one-thing-at-a-time person; should learn how to have a few projects going on at the same time LOL.
Well, at least I caught up with my do.Good Stitches Cherish Bee blocks.
Made a very cute pincushion for a friend with some scraps.
Since I was desperate to make something else-other than the damn T quilt-I cut up some fabric last night to make a tote bag for myself. I have had some lovely Michael Miller fabric which I bought just for this purpose. The big, lovely prints have given me a chance to practice my free motion quilting.
I quilted some of the prints more densely. 
 And kept some of them quite simple.
I had four hours-four free hours!-to quilt today. I started quilting the second panel for the tote bag. I am not sure what has changed over the night but my sewing machine didn't cooperate with me. There was something wrong with the top thread tension which I couldn't fix even after spending four precious hours. I ended up wasting lots of thread- I mean lots!

Is there a "forever going" project that you can't seem to finish for some reason? What makes it "forever"?
Till next time,
Happy quilting!
Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.