
Wednesday 24 September 2014

A finished quilt top

No, not a new quilt top, the "damn triangles" quilt top it is.

As you might remember, I had put the whole thing away because of the mismatching triangle points. And as you know, mismatching seams bother me a LOT!!
After a long break, I decided to fix it and pulled it out again. I don't like UFOs either. Much to my surprise, it didn't require much fixing.
Here it is.
Another good example of perfect photography: setting the scene. Your quilt top must be hung while the clothes are hung too. Not my fault. I don't have fancy places to take my quilts to take their photos. Ok, maybe there are some nice places but it means taking a break from what you are doing and driving some distance. Call it lazy maybe? 
I even went ahead and basted it and started quilting it.
 Perfectly matching seams, hmmmm, nice.
I am straight line quilting it and thinking about doing something fancy in the big purple triangle.
My backing is the famous Ikea numbers (Britten Nummer) fabric. I didn't prewash it so I wonder how much it is going to shrink after washing the quilt.

I am glad that this is no longer a UFO and I am looking forward to finishing it!
Linking up with Lee @Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.

What is the one UFO that you have finished/gotten one step closer to finishing recently?


  1. WoWza! I am really loving all of the colors in this one! Very bold! Outside pictures work great for these to really show off the colors... I really am loving it!

  2. Yes, very nice seams. I love it when that happens, which I suspect is not as frequent for me as it is you:)

  3. I love all the colours and fabrics - that's a FUN quilt :) Apparently I like UFO's - I have about a dozen of them (in varying stages) - my progress on them is to hide them all in a container with a lid, and to ignore them deliberately and strenuously :D

  4. Looks absolutely perfect now and lovley colours! I haven't finished mine from the triangle a long earlier this year but am hoping to quit it this weekend!

  5. Those pesky triangles can be to tricky to piece without cutting off the tips. Kudos to you for getting back to a project that frustrated you - sometimes mine stay stuffed in the back of the closet for a LONG time!

  6. Very nice, and look how well those points line up in your close up shots! Congratulations on the progress and quilting already - yay!

  7. Nice top! I thought about making one; thought about a 12 x 12 trial block. Manages a strip of four. You did much better!

  8. Nice top! I thought about making one; thought about a 12 x 12 trial block. Manages a strip of four. You did much better!

  9. I'm the same with quilt photography. I just go out in my yard or hang it up on a wall in the house if I'm too lazy to even go outside (or if the outside is a mess ...). I'm way too lazy to find somewhere and take a whole bunch of staging shots and since there's only really bushland around me (I live near a national park) I have plenty of trees in my yard too , so what's the difference when it's the quilt that's the focus anyway?! :D

    Love your mix of colours! It's so bright and cheery. I haven't used that particular Ikea fabric, though I've used others and have had no issues with them but I don't prewash anything anyway!

  10. I've two skirts, a shirt, two quilts strike that three quilts, bee blocks, birthday gifts, two pattern tests (which are actually 8 blocks) and embroidery all in progress

  11. Such a bright cheerful combo! Well done!

  12. It's looking great, your points are perfect!


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