
Monday 22 September 2014

Monday Makers! #5

Hi there!
What a week it was for me! My stock for my jewellery business arrived last Wednesday. Since then I have been trying to finish purchasing all the necessary things like boxes, wrapping material, display busts...I haven't done much sewing except for the zipper pouches. My machine is playing up and driving me nuts. I booked it for its first service since I bought it-4 years ago-oopss!

Now, the zipper pouches from the last week.
I have made three; one quilted, two not quilted.

I quilted this one by just stitching around the flowers. My machine struggled while sewing the quilted panels together so I decided not to quilt the other two. Also, I didn't like this one much because it looks like a brick! Has nothing interesting.
 Not so pretty.
But it is great to keep all my make up stuff which are free floating in my handbag. So, it found its place in there. 
I was thinking how I should make the others. I remembered that last year I enrolled in Kristin Link's Bag Making Basics: Reversible Tote and Zipper Pouch at Craftsy. I quickly visited this class and made these two cute pouches.
 And I remembered to use a tag when sewing the second one.
I love them!
My project for today is to make a light box to be able to take nice and good quality photos of my jewellery.  As you see above, I need to develop my photography skills. I will be following this tutorial. Since I have all the material needed, this shouldn't take too long. 

Now, show me your finished projects and tell me what you are starting to make today!
Here are the linky rules: 
Your project can be anything you start on that Monday as long as it makes you move and be active and creative: a new quilt, a knitting project, scrap booking, cross-stitching, baking-we don't mind yummy recipes!, a gardening project, painting your house!, tidying up the pantry!...This is your Monday and you are the maker of the day!
2. Grab the button from the side bar- this is still a WIP- or put a link back to me in your Monday post.
3. Click on "add your link" and just fill in the required areas. 
4. Please link to your specific post, not to your homepage: We would like to find your post easily.
5. Please take time to visit other links and leave a sweet comment: We love comments!
6. Share the photos of your finished Monday projects in your next link up- I am hoping you will come back again!: Who doesn't love a sweet, finished project or a "before-after" photo?
You don't have to be a follower of my blog, however; I wouldn't say no if you wanted to become one :-) 
Join and share as often as you want.


  1. Your pouches are pretty. I made some progress but I hope to be in full swing next Monday :)

  2. My only sewing is frequently zipper bags too, LOL! :) Yours turned out sweet - I hate when a bag doesn't seem to look as nice finished, as it did in my mind. That happened to me this week with a shark bag - it happens to all of us :D

    I love Kristin Link's front zip pouch - I've made over 100 of them - once I got started on them, I couldn't stop! Did you know there's a page (at Sew Mama Sew, I believe) with instructions and measurements to make the same bag in multiple sizes? I have the link somewhere - I'll send it to you!

  3. I love your zip pouches, even the one you don't!


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